Jacket at the beach?

Well Saturday, we went to Half Moon Bay. The guys went golfing while the girls and the kids went to the beach. The water was freezing but that didn't stop the kids from getting into the water. I had to wear a jacket on the beach that is crazy!

This is my cousin Aubrey (right next to me) her cousin
McKenna (giving us bunny ears) and me!We had a great time that day!

This was the ugly Jellyfish that was on the beach. There were tons of them up and down the beach. I touched it! It was really gross, I didn't want to touch it but wonderful Joe put my hand on it..gross! It was interesting in a gross kinda way.

My cousin Aubrey found this crab shell when it was washed it up to shore. That was a cool find. She wanted to keep it but there was a little creature on the back of it so we wanted to put it back in the water! Also, I found a dead Sea lion on the beach, I think you know why I didn't take a picture of it. It was really sad I
seriously almost cried.
Jacket wearing beach days are my favorite. You are the luckiest girl. Just knowing you saw a poor little dead sea lion makes me want to cry. So so so so sad.
I'm so glad you get to be out in the world seeing new things and having fun new experiences. It looks like you're having a great time! I'll be in southern Cal next week so will send a little shout out up the coast to you! haha...and I'll be really said if I have to wear a jacket when I'm at the beach so keep the cold weather up in the northern parts, k?!
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