A day of goodbye's
Well, today I said my last goodbye's to my family and some of my dear friends (sorry if I didn't come by and see you but i was really busy). I had to say goodbye today because i wouldn't have time to go tomorrow seeing that I am leaving for California tomorrow. I'm so scared to go to California but super excited at the same time.
I went and said goodbye to my best friend Hannah today. It was really hard saying goodbye. I almost cried, well actually I did cry when I got in the car. She has been there for me through thick and thin. She is an amazing person and I just want her to realize that.
I found this quote and I thought I would like to share it with you since I thought it was very good way to end a blog : "Its just something that happens as you grow up, you realize that its less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones"