Monday, August 25, 2008

Quote of the Day
"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play and to look up at the stars"-- Henry Van Dyke

I know everyone has seen this picture before and I have seen it a million time just because it is hanging on my bathroom wall but I love this print! When I read this quote today (at work) this painting was the first thing that popped into my crazy head! I think it just fits with the quote.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Dan!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Another year older and another year wiser!

I'm Home!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately. I just recently got home from California and everything has been a mess! I started back to work at the Pastry Garden Thursday and every sense then I have been working my tail off! Any who, coming back home means coming back to more drama, which personally I am getting sick of. I am always in the middle of everyday and that is always not fun! Yesterday I was reading through a magazine ( the New Era) and I came across a quote that everyone should keep in mind as they go through their life, even me! I am really going to try to live by it seeing is that I am starting a new chapter in my life; school, work, institute and other church related activities. Here is the quote:

"So many of us make a great fuss of matters of small consequence. We are so easily offended...I plead to you to control your tempers, to put a smile on your faces, which will erase anger; speak out with words of love and peace; application and respect. If you will do this, your marriages and families relationships will be preserved. You will be much happier. You will do greater good. You will feel a sense of peace that will be wonderful."

--President Gordon B. Hinckley