So my friend Kat has been begging me to start blogging again and i really wanted to show off my pictures so i thought i would start again! These pictures are from last week, i took graduation pictures with a good friend of my Suzanne! It was fun! I went downtown which i love. we started at the train depot and then went to some back alley. A little scary but alot of fun!

This was the first picture we took i was sitting on the ledge at the train depot..i think this is the very first picture the test shot. I like it I think this one might be the one i send in the invitation for graduation i dont know:/

This one is by far my favorite one! Suzanne told me to pose and i just struck one! I love it in black and white and with the train behind me! I want to blow it up and put it on my wall but i highly doubt my mom will let me..I might just do it and not tell her and just suffer the consquences he he he;)

This one i love as well i dont know why i just love head shots! this was the start of the back alley downtown it was funny! My mom wants this one to go in the graduation invitations but i just dont know whether to pick the first one or this one oh well i have to figure it out soon i need to get them out!

This one was the last one of the day and i shall say that it was a good way to end the day! I like the fact that i have my shades on lol!